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Make an Anti-contribution Today! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 December 2011 21:51
Don't have a lot of money to donate to your political campaign of choice (e.g. Ron Paul)? Make an anti-contribution to other political campaigns instead! How do you do that? Simple... a single Google or Facebook ad can cost a campaign $5, $10, maybe even $20 per click! Whenever you see an ad for a candidate you don't like, click their link and waste their money! That reduces the mindshare available for people who might actually be swayed toward them and increases the relative mindshare for Ron Paul ads! You essentially cancel out someone's (probably a big Wall Street bank's) donation to that campaign.

If you want to target a particular candidate, just search for them and click on their sponsored listing. Otherwise, just click on them whenever you see them pop up wherever you're at on the Internet.

You can actually get a bonus if you're on a website you really like -- you cost the opposing campaign money and generate revenue for your favored site! E.g., I have some Google ads in the right-hand side of this page! If you see Newt or Mitt pop up -- click 'em like whack-a-mole! (Also don't be afraid to click if you see something you genuinely like!)

You can also save your favored candidate (e.g. Ron Paul) money by NOT clicking on his ads. Instead, type in the URL (http://ronpaul2012.com) directly in your browser. Or if you see something specific you want to get to, do a Google search and click on a non-sponsored link to find that content.

Presto! You've made an anti-contribution almost as good as donating!

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 07 December 2011 22:08 )
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